  • So Anyway Card

So Anyway Card


Cover reads, "So anyway what I was saying before I went and had a baby... before I became so sleep deprived that I'd gladly pay $1000 for a nap... before I watched my breasts swell up so big that I considered painting logos on them and flying them over sporting events... before I realized that now I consume meals with the removed enjoyment and raw speed of a competitive hot dog eater... what I was saying was, "Yes, I'd love to go have a leisurely lunch with you".

Put your personalized message in the Custom Comments box and I will write it in the card for you (150 character max).

Blank inside, printed on heavy matte finish card stock measuring 5.75" square and includes an oatmeal colored envelope.

Printed using classic letterpress technique by Lane Foard of Squibnocket Cards in San Francisco, CA available exclusively at Arcadia, while supplies last!